
What contains in the dialogue? 200 minutes live video streaming with 60,00060,000 viewsviews in a single platform. This result is more incredible than we expected. O n March 8, Frustum OriginalME and Women Will, a Grow with Google initiative to help women be digitally literate, were hosting this “Her thoughts, her power” special online forum to […]

我們最想問的問題是什麼? 不確定。 但關於自己的問題,只有自己會問。 30年前,英國朋克樂隊 BIKINI KILL 第一次提出 “Girl”Girl Power”Power” (女生力量)的概念:女生的力量來來源於她們保留自己的同時,也不懼向世界展示自己的能量。我脆弱,也堅強;我懷疑,也自信。這個口號向世

What is the Original ME? What is the girls’girls’ original me? What is women’swomen’s original me?​ T hirty years ago, the UK punk band BiKini Kill first mentioned the concept “girl power”, which has been seen as a slogan that encourages as well as celebrates women’s empowerment, independence, confidence and strength. After decades, we still […]

1999 年的一個夏天,花盡了兼職而來的工資去購入了屬於自己的第一台 CD PLAYER。那是一年反復只播放一張專輯年代。每到入夜,帶上耳機,反覆聽每一首音樂中的音、詞到編曲手法等等,也會以筆錄的方式去描繪下來。 [...]

抽象表現是對個體的內在思考和情緒的表達。文字就是一種極具抽象高度的藝術。人類的發展中,追求技術進步和對自身的思考就像兩條永恆的脈絡。過去幾千年,我們的祖先面對遙遠的黃色發光體,投射了自己對於「美好」的各種幻想,我們叫它「月亮」。 [...]

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