GE Healthcare Join Pink 2023 Campaign - Exhibition Design & Curation

Join Pink is a CSR and internal employee campaign that was originally initiated by GE Healthcare and has a history of over 10 years. With the aim of raising awareness of breast cancer with a wider audience and strengthening the brand’s public image at a time of economic setback, we aim to help the client enhance the meaning and experience of the campaign.

With the incidence of the disease rising in both younger and older generations, getting people of different ages, professions and backgrounds to understand the disease is a lengthy and complicated process. More importantly, many people in China currently lack a rational attitude and comprehensive knowledge about breast cancer.

We want to illustrate the preventive measures and treatment methods of the disease, from early detection to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, and tell the stories of patients in a healing way to finally reduce the feeling of horror and despair about the disease.

Frustum team then planned an art exhibition themed "Experiences, Individuals and Emotions" in downtown Shanghai. More than 10 young artists from around the world were invited to create works that address the theme and express their views.

The exhibition lasted for a week and attracted thousands of viewers who also commented on social media. In addition to the main venue, some artworks were also exhibited at another underground, Taikoo Li, Qiantan in Shanghai.

London & Shanghai | Curating by Emma Wang
Creative Direction by Chester Lau
Art Direction & Graphic Design by Yoyo Yau, Chester Lau, Emma Wang
Editing & Content Creation by Emma Wang
Project Managment by Emma Wang
Communication & Project Managment by Ivy Hsieh
Exhibition Design by Frustum Design London & Shanghai
Art Coordination by Frustum Design Gallery
Typographic Consultation by Typeunit

On the second floor, we had an art installation titled "Nothing is Visible Without Color." It was a long piece of paper hanging from the ceiling, showcasing bright and abstract forms crafted to catch the light with a pink hue. The design had to rearrange the room's layout to create a curving rhythm, which made it a visually stunning experience.

This exhibition's cornerstone is the logo's pink ribbon, which seamlessly integrates into the type design, exponentially enhancing the design's extensibility. We deftly implemented a dynamic spatial layout, and this meticulous, systematic design method has fostered a unified brand experience from communication and design application to spatial experience.

The aim of the poster wall is to leave an emotional imprint on those who see it. We designed the poster wall with the "join pink" graphic, supplemented with chosen keywords from our manifesto.Removed from their usual context, format, and size, these keywords present a deconstruction appeal, generating a contrast and an unexpected perspective.

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